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Prompt 5: Clicking in this game is important because it allows the player to make choices and foresee where the story might take them before clicking. This is because the words to be clicked usually have something to do with the next passage even if they are not a choice. The choices do not necessarily have a consistent pattern, but they are usually parts where the story has possibilities to branch. The clickable options that do not have a choice usually will not branch the story. Clicking could generally be described as 'unlocking'. This is because each time you click, more of the story is unlocked regardless of choice. There is no instance where clicking goes back, so it is always unlocking something that was not previously seen. In some specific instances, clicking could be considered walking or conversing. But these only apply to certain passages. Clicking also could be seen as 'focusing on' as well as 'actively doing things'. There is a scenario where you just click 'wine' and focus on that word to progress to the next passage, but you can also click the option 'Talk to Trinity' which is an active thing for the character to do. There are not many words highlighted in each passages compared to the overall word count. This allows the player to easily focus on what the next passage could be about or the choice that they need to make. Compare this to a passage that has multiple lines highlighted which might confuse the player on what to expect in the next passage.

Interesting Matrix references as well :D.